Meningitis Vaccination



Texas State Law requires all college students under the age of 22 to be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis or provide an exemption request declining the vaccine.  The vaccination must have occurred 10 days prior to the start of classes and registration is blocked for students until they are in compliance with this requirement.  

There are three (3) ways to document compliance with the bacterial meningitis requirement.  Submit: 1) Official Vaccination Record(s), 2) Medical Exemption, or 3) the Conscientious Objection Form.  Collin College has partnered with Med+Proctor to review and approve vaccination record(s) and medical exemptions.  Once applicants receive their Collin College student email they can submit documentation directly to Med+Proctor by entering the student email address after selecting the "Register" button.  Once documentation is submitted, the review status of the documentation is visible at any time through Med+Proctor.  


Note: There is no fee to submit documentation.  Students are offered an option for lifetime access to their submitted records for a one-time payment, but can select the "No, thank you" option in the gray button at the bottom of the submission screen for the no charge option.

Submit Documentation


Proof of compliance is REQUIRED if any of the following apply:

  • You are enrolling in college for the first time as a credit student.
  • You are returning to college after a break in enrollment.
  • You are transferring to Collin College from another college or university.
  • You are an early college, dual credit, or other exceptional admissions student enrolled in classes on a Collin College campus.
  • You are a non-credit CTE student also enrolled in credit classes.

You are EXEMPT from the requirement if any of the following apply:

  • You are 22 years of age or older.
  • You are enrolled in a non-credit CTE course or program that is less than 360 contact hours and are not taking any credit classes.
  • You are enrolled in non-credit corporate training.
  • You are enrolled in 100% online or distance education courses.
  • You are a dual credit student only taking courses taught at a public or private K-12 facility that is not located on a college campus.
  • You obtain a medical exemption.
  • You obtain a conscientious objection exemption.

Even if you are exempt from the bacterial meningitis vaccination, you are strongly encouraged to obtain the vaccination before registering at Collin College.


Compliance Documentation Options:

1) Submit Official Shot Record.

Once you receive your Collin College student email, submit documentation directly to Med+Proctor.  Select the "Register" button and enter your student email address. Choose "Official Shot Record" as the "Document Type" when connected to Med+Proctor. Select the gray submission button at the bottom of the screen if declining the optional benefits.  Records are typically reviewed within two (2) business days, but may take longer the week before and after each semester begins.

Shot records must include:
  • Student's full legal name as they appear in Collin College records.
  • Student's complete date of birth.
  • The month/day/year (MM/DD/YYYY) the vaccination or booster was administered, which must be during the five-year period immediately preceding and at least 10 days prior to the first day of term.
  • The specific type of vaccination administered (either MenACWY or MPSV4).
  • The official physician signature or stamp.
Accepted shot records must be one of the following:
  • A document bearing the signature or stamp of the physician, a designee, or the public health personnel who administered the immunization.
  • An official immunization record generated by a state or local health authority.
  • An official immunization record from another school, including those from another state.
  • The Immunization Certificate available in PDF & printable format in your Med+Proctor account. The form must be filled out completely and submitted under the "Immunization Certificate" in Med+Proctor as the "Document Type."  
Submit Documentation


2) Submit proof of Medical Exemption.

Once you receive your Collin College student email, submit documentation directly to Med+Proctor.  Select the "Register" button and enter your student email address. Choose "Medical Exemption" as the "Document Type" when connected to Med+Proctor. Select the gray submission button at the bottom of the screen if declining the optional benefits.  Records are typically reviewed within two (2) business days, but may take longer the week before and after each semester begins.

Medical Exemption documentation must include:
  • Student's full legal name as they appear in Collin College records.
  • Student's complete date of birth.
  • Signature of a physician registered and licensed to practice medicine in the United States.
  • A statement that, in the physician's opinion, that the vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being of the student.
Submit Documentation


3) Submit proof of Conscientious Objection.

Proof of Conscientious Objection can only be submitted using the required Texas Department of State Health Service Exemption from Meningococcal Vaccination Requirements for Reasons of Conscience form.  Once the student has completed and printed the required form, submit the form directly to Med+Proctor.  Select the "Register" button and enter your student email address. Choose "Texas DSHC Meningitis Affidavit" as the "Document Type" when connected to Med+Proctor.  Select the gray submission button at the bottom of the screen if declining the optional benefits.  Records are typically reviewed within two (2) business days, but may take longer the week before and after each semester begins.

Submit Documentation


More Information On Meningitis

What is meningitis? Meningitis is an inflammation of the covering of the brain and spinal cord---also called the meninges.  For more information on this disease, visit the following sites:

For more information regarding how this affects Collin College admissions process, please contact or call 972.377.1750.